Reduce Stress with Apple Cider Vinegar

The Infinite Benefits of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

What are the ways in which apple cider vinegar can improve your health and reduce the stress in your modern (most likely overly fast-paced) existence? Well, it has plenty of life enhancing properties which will improve many aspects of your health, thus minimizing the wear and tear of the pressures that many of us are under. I myself have been experiencing a series of vague symptoms: malaise, bloating, stomach cramps, strangely behaving skin, slight depression, and most disturbing of all, this mysteriously sudden inability to deal with the stress at work. Just two weeks ago, I was loving it, having a complete blast. However, just recently, I've been less motivated to get up to go to work, less chirpy, and somehow more vulnerable to the cantankerous (and sometimes brutal) customers who come in. I was feeling run down, and taking things way too personally.

Well, thank goodness I had some apple cider vinegar-- the organic kind, not the white distilled vinegar, which is considered dead. The thing about vinegar is, it needs to have the "mother", which is the murky web at the bottom. This houses most of the nutrients, which, by the way, apple cider vinegar is chock full of. It has plenty of potassium, and several other trace minerals, such as some calcium.

My cluster of symptoms indicated that I probably needed a light detox, which apple cider vinegar is great for. After taking a tablespoon or less in water a few times a day (I found that the key is to start with minute amounts, and to slowly build up, just so your body can get used to it and not detox too hard.)

Well, guess what? In a matter of days (two really), the belly bloat disappeared! I don't know if this is due to its diuretic properties, or to its reported effects on the metabolism, but it worked. My energy significantly improved, which really surprised me, for I'd felt that this bout of fatigue would never lift!

Another great thing, and this is an important one for it was driving me crazy (and subsequently increasing my stress: my food cravings have diminished. I have been reaching for foods I don't usually eat regularly (like non-organic chocolates and hamburgers, and worst of all, energy bars, for I'd eat three at a time), and this has been utterly frustrating for me. I'd wonder what was wrong with me, why I couldn't control these overwhelming urges. It made me feel powerless, and I realized that psychologically, this may have been the basis for my lack of motivation at work. There was a shift, a downward one, in my sense of control in life. I realized that when I was feeling great and stress-free at work, I felt totally in power of what I was doing, and how I made my income. So while apple cider vinegar didn't miraculously change everything in one night, it was certainly an impetus in the changes that were necessary to bring me back to good old health, and, of course, good ol' me.