Natural Remedies for Chlorine Damaged Hair

While swimming in the pool may be great for your body, it is horrible for your hair. A few days in the pool can lead to dry, damaged and brittle hair. While you can buy products to help your hair they are often expensive and made out of the same ingredients you can find in your own home. The best cure is prevention, a swimming cap will prevent most damage from occurring. Swimming caps aren't always practical so try adding some olive oil to your hair before swimming, the oil will coat your hair and help prevent the chlorine from penetrating the hair strands. If the damage is already done, this guide will detail 8 natural remedies for fixing your chlorine damaged hair.

1. Eggs
Eggs are full of proteins that can strengthen chlorine damaged hair. Crack and egg or two into a bowl, add a tablespoon of water per egg and whip with a fork. Apply to your hair and let the eggs soak in for fifteen minutes. Then simply rinse out.

2. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is made of eggs and oil, both of which are great for your hair. Heat the mayonnaise in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Apply the mixture to your hair and let soak for ten to fifteen minutes.

3. Vinegar

Vinegar not only cleanses your hair, but it conditions it too. Add some vinegar to a spray bottle and spray it onto your hair before shampooing. This will help remove the chlorine from your damaged hair.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been used for centuries as a natural hair and skin conditioner. It has a low melting point so it will turn from solid to oil in your hands. Apply liberally to your hair and give it time to soak in. Rinse out.

5. Beer

Beer doesn't only taste good, it is great for your hair. Put some in a spray bottle and spray a small amount onto your hair before styling. Don't worry the smell goes away in a few minutes.

6. Olive Oil

Apply a few tablespoons of olive oil to your chlorine damaged hair before styling it. You can also apply the oil to your hair in the shower before shampooing, the heat of the shower will help the oil penetrate your hair.

7. Aspirin

Aspirin can not only help with your headache, it can help remove the green tint chlorine damaged blondes can get. Crush about ten aspirin tablets and add them into a small glass of water. Apply to your hair and let it set in for about ten minutes. Rinse out.

8. Banana and Avocado

Smash together a very ripe banana with a very ripe avocado. Apply it to your hair and as with the other remedies let it set in before rinsing. Both banana and avocado are great for conditioning chlorine damaged dry hair.

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