How to Have Great Looking Skin the Natural Way

In todays world, clear and healthy skin however, is often something that is hard to accomplish. Pollutants in the air, foods and beverages we ingest and our own bodies chemical composition are just some of the things that can play a part in how our skin looks. Problem skin can basically be broken down into three areas. Acne, dry skin and oily skin. There are literally thousands of products on the market to help combat these problems, however many of them can be extremely harsh on your skin and many are just simply ineffective. What many people don't realize, is that there are also many natural products that can be used to help you skin that are far more gentle and less damaging.

For Acne

Acne is an inflammatory disorder of the skin. Acne is formed when oil becomes trapped in sebaceous glands. Bacteria then begins to multiply in the follicle causing the skin to become inflamed. Acne is not caused by your pores being dirty, but by over active oil glands. The pores become sticky due to excess oil which allows the bacteria to become trapped inside. Blackheads are also not caused by dirt, but form when sebum combines with skin pigment and plugs the pores. There are many, many factors that can contribute to acne. Hereditary conditions, oily skin, allergies, stress, certain medications, junk food and cosmetics are only some of the causes. There is however, one key factor behind many skin disorders. One of the skins functions is to remove a portion of the bodies waste products by sweating. As toxins escape through the skin, it disrupts the skins balance, and can cause break outs. As you can see, there are numerous reasons why we have break outs, which is why acne can be so difficult to overcome.

There are quite a few natural vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements that can be taken though that can help with acne. Some of the vitamin and mineral supplements are:

Chromium picolinate- Aids in reducing infections in the skin.

Essential Fatty Acids (flaxseed oil, primrose oil, etc.)- Helps keep skin smooth and soft, repairs damaged skin cells and dissolves fatty deposits that block pores.

Vitamin B Complex- Needed for healthy skin tone. Improves blood flow to the surface of the skin.

Zinc- Aids in the healing of tissues and helps prevent scarring.

Colloidal silver- Is a natural antibiotic and disinfectant.

Vitamin A- Strengthens the protective skin tissue.

Vitamin E- An antioxidant that enhances healing.

Some herbal supplements and remedies that can be used for acne are:

Burdock root and Red clover teas- Are strong blood cleansers which aids in having healthy skin.

Green clay powder and Raw Honey- Can be mixed and used as a facial mask. Green clay powder can be found in most health food stores. Mix 1 tsp. green clay powder with 1 tsp. raw honey. Apply to face avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Tea Tree (Melaleuca) oil- A wonderful natural antibiotic and antiseptic for the skin. Add 1 dropperful of tea tree oil to 1/4 cup warm water and apply to face with a clean cotton ball. You can also find soaps that contain tea tree oil. One body wash that works very well for acne is called Body Essence Ultra Moisturizing Tea Tree Oil Body Wash with Olive Oil proteins. This product is available at Wal-Mart and is great to use on your entire body.

Witch Hazel- A wonderful cleanser and astringent for your skin. Helps reduce excess oil and tones the skin. Is extremely mild and non irritating. Apply with a clean cotton ball once or twice daily.

For Dry Skin

The correct balance of oil and moisture is essential to healthy, clear skin. Contrary to the popular phrase "Oil and water don't mix," oil and water work together to keep your skin healthy. Your skin must have enough moisture in the skin cells, but there also has to be the proper amount of oil to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture from the skins top layers. There are actually two different types of dry skin. Simple dry skin and complex dry skin. Simple dry skin comes from an insufficient amount of natural oils. Complex dry skin is lacking in both oil and moisture. Dry skin is often dull looking, scaly and flaky. Complex dry skin is often shown by signs of fine lines, discoloration, enlarged pores, brown spots and sagging skin. Chapping and cracking are also signs of dehydrated and dry skin. Dry skin is most often found on areas of the body that are most exposed to the elements, although in areas where the air is quite dry, it can be a problem on the whole body. It can also be aggravated by environmental factors, chemicals and detergents, poor diet habits and bathing with harsh soaps. Nutritional deficiencies can also cause dry skin.

Some vitamins and minerals that can help with dry skin are:

Primrose oil- Contains linoleic acid, which is an essential fatty acid needed by the skin.

Vitamin A- Strengthens and protects the skin tissues.

Kelp- Supplies balanced minerals and helps to provide a good skin tone.

Vitamin E- Applied topically, can help to minimize wrinkling.

Zinc- Is necessary for the proper functioning of the oil-producing glands of the skin.

Collagen- A cream that can restore a healthy tone to dry and damaged skin.

Some herbal supplements and remedies that can be used for dry skin are:

Aloe Vera- when used topically, Aloe Vera has healing and moisturizing properties.

Calendula, Comfrey and Lavender- Can be made into herbal or floral water mists and sprayed onto the skin to help moisturize and soften skin and sooth irritation. Add a few drops of essential oil to 4-5 ounces of water or make an infusion with fresh leaves and flowers. Use to mist your skin throughout the day.

Other ways to help with dry skin are:

Drink plenty of water to help keep skin well hydrated.

Do not use harsh soaps, cold cream or cleansing cream made from hydrogenated oils.

Use a loofah sponge to improve circulation and remove dead skin cells.

Soak in a warm bath with 2 tablespoons pure olive oil added to the water.

Use a moisturizer after cleansing. Use a liquid moisturizer. Do not use solid or waxy moisturizing creams.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is caused by the bodies sebaceous glands producing more oil than is needed for lubrication of the skin. This can clog pores and cause blemishes. Doctors presumably think that oily skin is mainly heredity, but other factors such as hormone levels and diet can cause excess oil as well. Hot weather and humidity can also stimulate sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Negative aspects of oily skin include break outs, enlarged pores and a constant shiny, greasy appearance. Oily skin however, does have a few positive points. It helps to slow the process of fine lines and wrinkles as well as age spots.

Some vitamins and minerals that can be used for oily skin are:

Flaxseed oil and Primrose oil capsules- Supplies necessary fatty acids.

Vitamin A- Necessary for healing and for building new skin tissue.
Vitamin B Complex- Are important for healthy skin tone.
Kelp- Supplies balanced minerals that are needed for good skin tone.

Some herbal supplements and remedies that are good for oily skin are:

Aloe Vera- Applied topically, helps to heal skin problems.
Burdock root and Chamomile- Help provide essential nutrients to the skin.
Witch Hazel- Has astringent properties and helps to tone the skin.

Other ways to help oily skin are:

Keep your skin clean. Use gentle soaps with no artificial additives. Wash 2-3 times daily.

Do not use cleansers or lotions that contain alcohol.

After cleansing, use an oil free moisturizer.

Use a loofah sponge to improve circulation and help remove dead skin cells.

Use a clay mask to help clear away excess oil.

With so many different types of skin problems, it can often be difficult to achieve clear, healthy looking skin. With a little persistence and experimentation though, there is bound to be something out there that will help you. Even if you have combination skin, a mixture of dry and oily skin, it can still be fixed. Simply treat the dry skin for dry skin, and the oily skin for oily skin. Please also note that some of these vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements are meant to be taken orally. I highly recommend that before starting to take any new regimen, you check with your family physician as some natural substances can have adverse affects when mixed with prescription medication. Also, it is always best to take any new supplement under a doctors supervision, as anyone can have an allergic reaction to anything they may ingest. Good luck to all in your quest for clear, beautiful and healthy skin.