Five Effective Ways to Have a Smooth and Even Skin Tone

Skin Tone Treatments that Really Work

Who doesn't want beautiful skin? Unfortunately, there are so many things in our lives that cause our skin tone to become uneven and unsightly. As I get older, I find that damage from sun and chemicals has played havoc on my skin. I have tried just about everything to even out my skin tone, and these are some of the most effective.

Facial Scrubs and Masks

The best and easiest way to even out skin tone is to remove the old, dead skin cells. You can easily do this at home with facial scrubs and masks, or have a professional microdermabrasion performed at a salon. I find baking soda and oatmeal effective and safe scrubs for sensitive skin. I like Bentonite clay masks for drawing out toxins and tightening pores.

Skin Lightening Creams

Skin lightening creams, also called bleaching creams, reduce melanin production in the skin. They are helpful for age spots, melasma and skin discolorations caused by hormones. The active ingredients in most over-the-counter bleaching creams in the United States is hydroquinone. The problem I found is that noticeable results can take up to 12 weeks. For faster results, concentrations of hydroquinone higher than 4% are available with a doctor's prescription.

Acid and Chemical Peels

Acid peels can be achieved over time with a gentle over-the-counter alpha-hydroxy or retinoic acid cream. Medium-depth peels are performed by estheticians or skincare technicians, while strong chemical peels should only be performed by a qualified dermatologist. I found that over-the-counter products take up to 8 weeks to achieve results, while medium peels show results in just a few days. Professional chemical peels can cause burning and scarring, and take weeks for total healing to occur.

Lemon Juice
Lemon juice contains vitamin C and citric acid, both known to help remove and lighten the top skin layer. I find that fresh lemon juice works better and faster. When using lemon juice to even your skin tone, always protect the skin around your eyes and your lips with petroleum jelly. Also protect your hair to keep it from being bleached. Apply fresh lemon juice with your fingertips or a makeup brush and leave on for about 10 minutes before rinsing well. Repeat this every day until you achieve your desired skin tone.

Prescription Alpha-Hydroxy Products
High-potency alpha-hydroxy creams, such as Retin-A, are prescribed by your doctor and are used in conjunction with hydroquinone creams for skin lightening. I got my prescription to treat rosacea. They come in strengths of .025, .05 and .10 percent, and can even skin tone and remove superficial wrinkles and scarring. They cause your skin to peel much faster, which can be unsightly. They also make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. You must start at a lower concentration and work up to the strongest. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to use alpha-hydroxy creams safely.

The best way to perfect skin is through proper nutrition and drinking plentiful amounts of water. These treatments are more to repair skin tone that has been damaged by time, age and bad habits. Treat your skin well, because it is your main protection against the harmful elements in the world.