Choosing and Using Shimmery Eye Shadow

Eye shadow is big on self expression and shimmery eye shadow is all the rage. The colors and hues available are virtually limitless, and eye shadow textures range from light dusts and powders to glitter, cream, or even liquid that turns to powder as it dries. Eye shadow can really dress up your look, whether you opt for dramatic colors that accentuate your eyes and your outfit, or subtle, neutral tones that complement your clothing and skin tone.

The eye shadow colors of the season seem to be bright and bold or smoky and seductive, although glimmery whites and neutrals add a lovely, soft element. Favorite eye shadow colors in many parts of the world seem to be in the purple and aquamarine families - especially amethyst, and purples paired with shimmery whites. The unspoken rule: don't be afraid to go a little bolder, a little darker!

Bold Shades - Brilliant, Daring, and Dramatic

Makeup gives us an opportunity to enhance our best features, and for many, the eyes are among the top. If you enjoy setting and following trends, the bold and intense eye shadow colors might be perfect for you. Just imagine a lovely purple hue accenting your look, or a sparkling turquoise drawing attention to your eyes. You can pair these deeper shades with pale counterparts or a shimmery white eye shadow for a sexy, come-and-get-me look.

Many brands started offering eye shadow sets boasting three, four, or even five complementing hues. Another popular style of glimmery, shimmery eye shadow is loose shimmer dust. New York Color Sparkle Eye Dust Shimmery Eyeshadow is a spa and salon favorite, but it is available online for only about $3 to $7. The loose powder colors cascade through an icy blue to frosty pinks, all presented in a spill-proof jar with their own makeup brushes.

Beautiful spring organic shades like orange, green, yellow, blue, and brown are making waves in the makeup world. Score some bold and beautiful eye shadows in these shades and experiment to create your own daring look. Mix and match eye shadow colors or stick to a single shade. Enjoy creating a look that works for you!

Neutrals - Soft and Sensuous

If you aren't quite brave enough for a brilliant teal or turquoise splash of color across your lids, or a pummeling of purple atop your eyes, you may want to stay within the realms of less is more. Don't be disappointed if you aren't comfortable with intense shades of eye shadow. With less of a dramatic hue, you can still have a rockin' look. Just choose a product that offers a subtle sparkle!

Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Bronzer, Blush & Eye Shadow is a fabulous product for adding just a hint of color to your lids. I chose this type of combination eye shadow, blush, and bronzer makeup to wear on my wedding day. It worked out beautifully and I can't get enough of it still! The shimmer strips are available in several hues, and each compact features five different shades. The powder packs a punch with built-in sparkle. Turn it up with the darker, bottom color strips or tone it down with the top shimmer strips in lighter shades.

The nice thing about Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Bronzer, Blush & Eye Shadow is that you can use it all over your face to add shimmer and a tanner appearance. The highly practical and functional versatility make this makeup product well worth the $10 to $12 it costs. The texture is clean and smooth, and it goes on easily as eye shadow. In my experiences, it's even stayed put for all day or all night wear!

Wearing eye shadow can change your appearance as a fun and daring draw to your eyes. Express yourself through your eyes - after all, eye shadow can only add to your mystique when paired with powerful eye contact!