Product Review: Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions Daily Color Enhancing Shampoo and Conditioner

I recently tried the new Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions Daily Color Enhancing Shampoo and Conditioner. My hair takes a lot of punishment. I spend hours out in the hot sun, saturating my hair with sweat, dirt and sand and mashing it under a helmet when I ride horses or pulling it into a pony tail when I go ballroom dancing. I am always on the lookout for a shampoo and conditioner that will repair the damage to my hair and keep it looking shiny and feeling soft. Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions Daily Color Enhancing Shampoo and Conditioner claim to do just that.

Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions is designed to bring out your blonde highlights and give your hair multi-dimensional shine. It contains moisturizers that fight dryness and dullness to promote a healthy shine. In addition, blonde hair is particularly susceptible to holding onto deposits from the environment that dull and discolor the hair. Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions Daily Color Enhancing Shampoo and Conditioner claims to remove these deposits to keep your hair a brilliant blonde shade, whether it is natural or color treated.

I received a free sample of Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions Daily Color Enhancing Shampoo and Conditioner and used it one time. I squeezed the shampoo out into my hand and it was a lovely pale shade of yellow. The package claims the shampoo has liquid crystals, which appeared in the form of a glittery sheen throughout the shampoo. It had a pleasant, almost citrusy scent. The conditioner followed, lacking in the pretty glitter but equally nice-smelling as the shampoo. Both applied easily and rinsed out readily.

I have used other shampoos and conditioners that I could feel working even as I rinsed them out, leaving my hair feel instantly clean and soft. I did not experience that with Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions Daily Color Enhancing Shampoo and Conditioner. However, after towel-drying my hair, I was able to easily brush it without pulling any out or encountering tangles. With my ultra-fine hair, this is a very important trait in my shampoo and conditioner.

After my hair dried, I could see that Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions lived up to its promise of producing a diamond-like, multi-faceted shine. Each strand of hair seems to almost glitter, and overall my hair is very shiny. It does not appear any blonder than it did before, but I can see highlights that I did not notice before and they are completely natural. My hair does not feel as soft as it does with other shampoos and conditioners I have used.

Although Pantene Pro-V Blonde Expressions Daily Color Enhancing Shampoo and Conditioner does make my hair very shiny and brings out my natural highlights, I have not decided yet if it will be my new shampoo and conditioner. I would like to try it a few more times before I make a permanent switch.