Deep Conditioning Hair at Home Without Fancy Treatments

When extra pocket change is hard to come by people try to save by cutting out unnecessary spending. One of the first things to go is hair care extras like conditioning treatments. So what do you do if your hair is need of extra moisture and buying a special treatment isn't in the budget? You do it with what you have at home.

I have heard it asked before if it is possible to deep condition your hair at home if you do not have a deep conditioning treatment bought from a store. The answer to that is yes. It is possible to deep condition your hair at home without needing any special treatments. There are a few ways to go about getting the desired results. The first thing you will need for any conditioning treatment is warm damp hair. The second thing you will need is a plastic bag. You can use a plastic shopping bag if that is all you have available. Next, raid your kitchen.

Olive oil works as a great hair conditioner. Not only is olive oil fantastic for moisture, it works as a gloss treatment as well. If you have olive oil available, measure out a half a cup in a microwavable container. Place it in your microwave for about 20 seconds. Be sure that it is not to hot before you use it! If you do not have a towel on your shoulders yet, do so before you apply your treatment. Start by applying a few drops of the oil onto your fingertips and apply to your scalp. Rub in soft circles using only your fingers to get circulation going. After you have covered your entire scalp, pour the remaining oil onto your hair. Once your hair is covered, place the plastic bag you put aside over your hair and clip it closed at the hairline. At this point turning on a hair dryer on a low setting and blasting the bag on your head for a few minutes will help heat up the oil and open your hair follicles so that optimum conditioning occurs. Allow the treatment to remain in your hair for 20 minutes. Once the 20 minutes are up, shampoo and condition as normal to remove the excess oils.

Another kitchen item to utilize is avocado. If you have an avocado available, peel it, remove the seed, and mash. Add a bit of olive oil, coconut milk, or mayonnaise to the avocado to create a paste. Once you have your paste made and ready, apply it to your damp hair. Once your hair is coated, run a wide tooth comb through your hair so that every strand gets coated. Next, follow the steps above with the plastic bag and hair dryer. Follow the same time guidelines as above and remove product as described above.

If all else fails, use the conditioner you already have. Start with damp hair. Next, take your normal conditioner and apply as usual. Comb it through to coat each strand and cover hair with plastic bag. As in the previous treatments, place your hair dryer on low and aim the dryer at the bag covering your strands. When your head heats up, turn off the dryer and relax for 20 minutes. Remove the bag and rinse your hair. Since you are using your normal daily conditioner for this, it is not necessary to wash your hair as you would if you were adding avocado, mayo, and olive oil.

Once you complete your at home deep conditioning, dry and style your hair as usual. Then go out and enjoy your soft, shiny, conditioned hair.