Curls, Curls, and More Curls

There are so many types of curly hair out there today! What do you have? Loose and fine? Kinky and coarse? Either way, let's look at how to keep your curls bouncy and manageable.
1. Use the correct shampoo for your type of hair. It's so important to start the base of your hair style correctly. I have super voluminous hair so a shampoo for fine hair wouldn't work. I use Vidal Sasson's shampoo for dry hair because my curls tend to get dry and brittle.

2. Don't neglect the conditioner. "But I don't need it!" Yes. Yes you do! It's imperative to maintain a healthy mane by keeping the ends conditioned. After all, that's the oldest hair on your head! Many times curls get dry on the end and look frizzy. Conditioner will help make the frizz less noticeable until it is time to get those ends cut.

3. What product you don't use is as important as what you do use.
Ok, my curly girls out there. Let's be upfront about the amount of product we use. Probably way too much! I am as guilty as anyone. Just one more squirt of mousse or gel. Well, one turns to two, turns to four. You get the picture. I've noticed that if I use a mixture of mousse and gel I tend to get better results. But my favorite all-time go to is...Aqua Net mousse! That stuff has been around for year and is still great!

4. Hands off!! I know. It's hard to keep your hands off those now perfectly coiffed curls. All the time and now they are ringlets of curly perfection. However, hands off! Curls don't like to be touched or separated. It just makes a hot, frizzy mess!

Curly hair can both a blessing and curse. Curly hair requires a lot of work and can be just beautiful and shiny as our straight haired sisters. It just depends on we curly girls see it!