Beauty Tips: Don't Make the Mistake of Watering Dry and Aging Skin

It Might Just Be Aunt Betty's Fault - When I found myself becoming an aging boomer, one of the first things that started to crack were my hands...well, all my skin, really. I found out that the information I needed wasn't everywhere. I mean, who cares about dry hands until you have them, right.

So, I got busy and this is what I found out. First of all, forget about the "getting older" part. It's just a general good piece of wisdom. It's better to be 20 in your head and in sweet denial, than crying in your beer at the local senior citizen and lamenting over each creak and wrinkle. Besides, anyone can have dry hands!

Go out and get some cream, any cream with cortisone in it. That's right, cortisone. You can get the generic stuff, for half the price. Do it and save it! Then buy some medicated powder (for those hard to reach places). A good hydrating cream is of utmost important in keeping that moisture in your skin.

We should all anticipate the ways in which the years will inevitably creep up on us. The truth of the matter is that many of our skin's protective mechanisms slow as we age. And for many, dry skin is just genetic. So, curse Aunt Betty, and go to the nearest drug store for the that necessary cream. The best defense is always a good offense when it comes to dry skin.

My skin is in a sort of pattern. As fall begins to round the corner, in early September, my skin begins to flake. We already have learned why. So, I have learned to get on top of the problem, way before it really sets in.

Here is a suggestion. If the cream and powders don't work, get to a dermatologist. Get a handle on these dry hands and keep yourself healthy. Our skin is our best defense when it comes to our immune systems

And if you have always had dry skin, it might just be that the elements such as too much hot air, too much contact with water (bathing , swimming) and low humidity is adding to the challenge. Again, use those creams on a daily or twice daily basis.

In the end of it, dry skin can be irritating, annoying, and itchy. The vanity in all of us wants to cover that dry, scaly skin with sweaters, and pants. But, if that is all we have to deal with, and it isn't really any worse than dry skin (not a more serious skin condition), then thank your lucky stars, and pour on the Johnson's!