Product Review: Gold Bond Medicated Anti-Itch Cream

Summer Heat Means Summer Rashes and Gold Bond is a Trusted Solution

Just as sure as summer time picnics bring uninvited ants, the heat and humidity of a hot summer day brings more than a fair share of itchy rashes. Anything from posion ivy to heat rash and skin irritations can be a minor distraction from a planned day out. Gold Bond Medicated Anti-Itch Cream has been a trusted essential in my first aid supply for years. I remember my grandmother bringing out Gold Bond Medicated Anti-Itch Cream for everything from the tiniest insect bite to a full blown case of poison ivy. Always within minutes I felt relief from annoying itches and many times, by the next morning the rash would be totally gone!

According to the Gold Bond website, their products have been around for 100 years! My grandma is 95 and confirms that she has used, it 'All her life'. A product and company that has been around that long has to know what they are doing and deliver promised results. Still with the overwhelming introduction of various topical ointments and anti-itch medications that lure you with promises of quick relief along with 'extras' such as odor-free, or 'extra moisturizing conditioners', I must admit to venturing out at various times to try several of the competing ointments, powders and lotions. They all offered various levels of relief and some evn cleared up offending rashes after several days use. None have yet managed to deliver results as quickly and dependably as Gold Bond Medicated Anti-Itch Cream!

It is hard to improve on perfection and when a product has delivered proven results to as many long standing customers and their families through generations of use, why would you try 'improving' the product? You wouldn't of course! you can however, work with what you know and develope a variety of other products that bring in even more satisfied customers in a new results oriented society.

Gold Bond Body Lotion, Gold Bond Foot Spray and Gold Bond Baby Powder are just a few of the ever expanding line of exceptional products. A medicated Baby Powder may have you a little concerned, however you can be sure that the makers of Gold Bond Baby Powder have tested it above and beyond the standards to be sure it won't cause unexpected problems! Every mom knows it is just as important to prevent a diaper rash as it is to treat it. Preventing diaper rash and other skin irritations that may make baby uncomfortable is exactly what Gold Bond Baby Powder is designed to do. Gold Bond baby powder uses a special combination of Cornstarch, Kaolin, and Zinc Oxide to help protect from wetness and chafing and as mom knows, a dry baby is a happy baby.

Another great addition to the Gold Bond family is the new Gold Bond Ultimate Softening Lotion, Healing Lotion and Powder line. Since using these products on a daily basis, my episodes of annoying rashes in this humid summer heat are getting few each season. For those times when the heat rash returns with a vengence though, I still reach for the old trusted stand by in the Gold Bond Anti-Itch Cream. No matter the season or the skin rash or irritation you have been dealt, Gold Bond products still deliver the maximum relief you will find anywhere without a prescription!

* For rashes that appear infected or fail to clear after treatment see a doctor for diagnosis.

This statement is a personal testimony to the effectiveness of these products and is not intended to replace your doctor's advice.