Natural Skincare Regimen for Oily Skin

Skincare Remedies You Can Find in Your Kitchen

Do you struggle with trying to keep your oily skin under control? If your face looks shinier than ever, maybe you are overdoing your skincare regimen in an attempt to dry up the grease. Switching to a gentle, natural routine might be more beneficial in the long run. The last thing you want to do is dry out your face - it will only cause your skin to produce more oil.

Cleanse: Try washing with a natural oil

Washing your face with oil seems like it would do just the opposite of what you want. Oil cleansing is a method of breaking down oil with natural oils to achieve perfectly balanced skin. Read this post on oil cleansing to learn more. On days that you use the oil cleansing method, there is no need to scrub, tone, or hydrate. Another option is to simply use an oil (coconut, for example) as you would a normal cleanser.

Scrub: Mix up a honey and sugar scrub

Mix honey and sugar together to create a scrub in your desired consistency; rub it onto your skin in a circular motion, then rinse. Honey will keep your face from drying out while the sugar exfoliates to remove loose skin cells to prevent clogged pores. Clogged pores cause breakouts, after all - especially with skin that is naturally oily.

Tone: Try a gentle, homemade astringent

Make your own gentle facial toner using ingredients found in your kitchen. Brew a cup of tea and let a packet of green tea steep for about five minutes. Let the tea cool, then apply it to your face with a cotton pad and let dry. Or, mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts distilled or filtered water. You may need to experiment with the recipe to find what works for you. Let dry and moisturize.

Hydrate: Use a natural moisturizer

Even if you have naturally oily skin, it's a good idea to keep it hydrated; attempting to dry out skin will actually have the reverse effect, and you will produce excess oil to compensate. A small amount of a natural oil will keep your face moisturized. Experiment to find out which type works best for you; I tried coconut oil and found that, even after a couple months, my face felt greasy while using it. Not every product works for everyone, so play around to find what works for you.