All Natural Shaving Oil is Great for Travel

Pacific Shaving Company Makes a Shaving Product That's Small, but Effective for Travel and Even Home Use!

All Natural Shaving Oil, made by Pacific Shaving Company, is a handy travel product. The compact bottle sizes of All Natural Shaving Oil make them easy to pack for travel. It only takes roughly 6-8 drops of All Natural Shaving Oil to get an effective shave during travel or while at home.

For sensitive skin like mine, I found this product to be very effective from the first time application of six drops that I applied on my palm, then rubbed the personal care liquid on my wet face. The smell of this liquid is very very faint, but does have a bit of a flowery odor. This scent is not irritating, unlike shave cream or other whisker-ridding oils that contain more of a perfume scent in them. Pacific's travel product only contains all natural ingredients, including the oils that are made of hybrid sunflower, tangerine peel, grapefruit peel, avocado, and Kukui nut. This must by why the product has a bit of a flowery smell. According to Pacific's website, this natural personal care travel liquid is made by FDA registered chemists.

After I rubbed my face with this whisker remover aid, it seemed as if the substance wasn't even on my face, but I went through with getting rid of my stubble, hoping for the best. And I must say, the razor glided across my face as I shaved. My face felt really smooth, clean, and conditioned after using. My skin didn't have an oily feel to it either, nor did it feel razor-burned.

Another advantage to using All Natural Shaving Oil is that there's less mess to clean up (whether you travel or are at home) since it's not a messy shaving cream. It's economical since it basically takes just 6-8 drops of the oil for your face for each whisker-ridding task. While getting rid of those whiskers, if your face starts to feel dry, you just throw more water on it rather than add more of the agreeable liquid. Also, make sure the razor stays as wet as possible. This technique definitely worked for me.

All Natural Shaving Oil comes in the handy ½ ounce bottle. This is perfect for travel, and good for up to 100 shaves. It costs $6.95. This liquid also comes in the 2 oz. bottle, and is priced at $25.00. This amount is supposed to be good for up to 400 shaves. The 2 oz. bottle is also great for travel since the current TSA regulation limits on liquids are 3 oz. each if it's going into carry-on luggage. My ½ ounce bottle came in a small velvet-colored, draw-string bag, like the kind you'd put marbles in. Other products available from Pacific include RazorMax Classic replaceable razor blades that are compatible with such razors as the Gillette Mach 3 Turbo, Schick Quattro, etc. These blades are designed to give up to 40 quality shaves. See the below website for details. This all natural liquid, which is very compatible with a razor, can be used by both men and women. The personal care travel product is even compatible with electric razors for pre-shave conditioning if so desired!

The company's website, listed below, is very informative, and includes a detailed FAQ link. Pacific's webpage even tells you how to use the personal care oil, and gives a more detailed rundown on the rest of their products. This California-based firm accepts major credit cards, checks, money orders, as well as international orders. They even have a 60 day money back guarantee.

This shaving oil is also available in a variety of stores, especially in many outlets located in California, Washington, and Oregon.

All Natural Shaving Oil via Pacific Shaving Company: Box 590022, San Francisco, CA 94159.