Six Super Effective Ways to Relieve Itching

If you've ever had a serious case of itching you know how uncomfortable it can be. Whether it was from a mosquito bite or skin irritation from poison ivy, itching skin can deprive you of sleep and even your sanity. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to stop itching and help you get a good night's sleep.

It's important that you identify what's causing the itching first. A variety of serious medical conditions can present with the symptom of itching. If you don't know the cause of the itch, or if the itching is severe and associated with a rash, see your doctor before attempting to treat yourself.

Once you know why you're itching, you can try some of these simple itch relief tips:

Try over the counter hydrocortisone cream.

A one percent solution of hydrocortisone cream applied several times a day can stop itching by inhibiting the underlying inflammatory reaction. The steroid concentration in hydrocortisone cream is so low that you shouldn't experience the side effects that can occur with use of oral or prescription strength topical steroids.

Apply an ice pack.

Ice not only has a numbing effect, it also helps to reduce the uncomfortable swelling associated with the itch. You can use a professional ice pack sold in your local drugstore or simply apply a pack of vegetables from your freezer to the areas that are itching. You'll quickly experience welcome relief from your skin itch.

Try over the counter Benadryl.
If you have severe itching, you can relieve the symptoms and promote sleep by taking a 25 milligram tablet of Benadryl. Take this medication at night since it can cause drowsiness and can make some people feel disoriented.

Apply Vick's Vapor Rub to the affected areas.

It may not have the most pleasant smell in the world, but it can be quite effective in the treatment of itching. Apply it full strength from the container.

Try an oatmeal or cornstarch bath.

Add some oatmeal or cornstarch to your bath water for quick itch relief.

Stop scratching.

It can be easier said than done but the more you scratch, the more likely the area is to itch due to excessive irritation. Try one of the above itch relief remedies and then try to keep your hands away from the affected areas. Don't perpetuate the itch-scratch cycle.

Give some of these itch relief tips a try and stop the itching so you can get some much needed rest.