Laser Hair Removal and Your Not-So-Public Areas

First things first, can you have laser hair removal on your pubic area? Absolutely, the only area that you can not have laser hair removal on is your eyelashes and some clinics won't do eyebrows. Women can remove just the hair on their bikini line or all of the hair on their pubic area if they chose. The same applies to men also; you chose how much you want removed. You can even have laser hair removal preformed on your areolas. You should always check with a technician, not all laser hair removal treatment centers will perform all procedures.

So what are the benefits of laser hair removal on your pubic area compared to other methods? Laser hair removal is fast and come on; it definitely can't be as painful as waxing! Shaving your pubic area is time consuming and can be dangerous if you cut yourself. Not to mention razor burn and sometimes itchiness when the hair re-grows. You will need more than one treatment but the hair grows back thinner and in some cases lighter than before. The longer you continue to have treatments the faster they will be since there will be less hair to remove. Laser hair removal is also faster and has less risk than electrolysis.

Why would you want to pay two hundred fifty dollars or even up to a grand at some places? With laser hair removal you get clean long lasting results. Maybe you spouse enjoys you having less hair, you want to wear that bikini or thong with confidence, you have hair in unsightly places, or maybe you just don't want it anymore. There might also be hygiene benefits to less hair down there! Fewer bacteria become trapped and you sweat less with no hair, which in turn also means you smell better. Regardless of your reason, many people have this treatment done and agree it is well worth the cost.

I know what you're thinking, but is it safe? Laser hair removal on your pubic area is not known to be any more dangerous than on your arm or any other place on your body. There are the same risks and benefits no matter what area is being worked on. Of course it is a professional procedure and you should not be embarrassed; it is possible for men to have an erection during the treatment. This occurs frequently and there are no known risks or dangers associated with it. Laser hair removal on the pubic area is proven to be safer than electrolysis on the pubic area because of the risks of bacteria invasion with electrolysis.

It has to be more painful right? Well, yes pretty much. Laser hair removal has been said to feel like a light sting or pinch.

Obviously a pinch to your privates will hurt worse than a pinch to the leg. Many treatment centers offer anesthetics that can be rubbed on the skin prior to treatment though; and many recommend taking one or two painkillers such as Tylenol an hour before coming in if you're sensitive to pain. You should not have lasting pain after the procedure so these options should do the trick for very sensitive areas.

Okay, what about side effects? Side effects for laser hair removal on your pubic area are the same as other areas. The area treated may remain red for up to a day and might be sensitive for a few hours. Many patients' redness goes away within hours or minutes. Cold compresses can significantly reduce the length of redness and sensitivity as well. Sometimes the skin treated may become darker or lighter so tanning before treatment should be avoided, if you are of a darker complexion the risk is higher so speak with a certified technician beforehand about your risks.

Overall if you can afford the sessions, laser hair removal is a wonderful way to get rid of any unwanted hair, especially on your pubic area. It is fast, safe, clean, and has numerous options available for every need or desire. You should always laser hair removal performed by a certified technician and don't be afraid to get references, if they are good their previous patients won't be afraid to tell you. Always discuss risks, expectations, and pre/post treatment directions to make sure you are currently (and stay) a good candidate for laser hair removal.