Homemade Hair Care Products

Great Hair Care Recipes to Make at Home

Homemade hair care products are one of the best things for beautiful hair, shampoos and conditioners bought in stores usually contain chemicals that could be toxic. If you go look at your bottle of shampoo there is a good chance you won't even be able to pronounce several ingredients, let alone tell someone what they actually do.

Here are two great homemade hair care recipes, one designed to reduce dandruff, the other for deep conditioning to reveal gorgeous hair. This first homemade hair care recipe is a rinse that will reduce dandruff when used on a regular basis (of course these recipes will work for most people but some may not see the same results). All you need to do is boil four or five dried thyme leaves with two cups of water for approximately ten minutes. After the mixture has cooled down, remove the thyme leaves and massage the liquid onto your scalp. Some people find it easiest to put the homemade hair care mixture into a spray bottle and spray their head, make sure you saturate the scalp. Leave the mixture on your head for twenty to thirty minutes and then wash it out. You should be left with a dandruff free head of hair.

Although many people do experience dandruff at one point in their life or another, some people may be looking for a deep condition homemade hair care product instead. You may already have the ingredients for this hair care product in your own which would make things easier but everything is easy to locate.

Avocados are great for hydrating and they contain vitamin B6 and E so they provide more nutrients than store bought hair care products. Simply mash the insides of one avocado with the following:

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 tablespoon pure aloe

Combine these ingredients until they form a paste. Spread the mixture through your hair using your fingertips, covering from the roots to the tips to ensure the best hair care results. Cover your hair with a plastic shower cap, for best results, wrap a warm towel around the shower cap. Let this homemade hair care mixture sit for twenty to thirty minutes while you sit back and relax. Rinse your hair and then shampoo and rinse as you usually would. The end result of this hair care product will be soft beautiful hair.

If you don't have all of these ingredients but are looking for a healthy hair care product to use right away, you can just use half a cup of mayonnaise. Simply massage it into your hair and wrap the same way you would with the previous hair care, using a plastic shower cap and warm towel. After letting this homemade hair care product sit for twenty minutes, rinse and shampoo as usual.