Help Me Tame My Curly Hair! How to Choose a Curly Hair Shampoo & Treatment!

You may not realize it, but you're quite lucky to be born with curly hair! You have so many wonderful options for showcasing your natural curls! Sometimes the secret to appreciating your naturally curly hair lies in selectingt the right curly hair shampoo and treatment. The right hair care products and a good haircut can make all the difference in the world in how your hair looks and feels. Here are some tips to help you avoid excessive frizz and make the most of your curls:

1. Choose and use the best curly hair shampoo.

Curly hair is usually dry hair which may have a tendency towards frizziness. As such, you're probably wise to choose a moisturizing shampoo designed for dry hair. Using a shampoo with a strong detergent base is going to deprive your hair of essential oils which will accentuate the frizziness and cause your curls to appear dry and lackluster.

2. Do regular conditioning treatments to maintain the health of your curls.

Curly haired gals need to use a moisturizing conditioner on a regular basis to maintain the health of your curls. Be careful when choosing a conditioner. If you select one that's high in protein, you may find that your hair looks even more dry and brittle. Protein is best used in moderation on curly hair due to this drying effect. There's really no scientific basis for using a protein rich conditioner since hair is dead and can't be restructured. Look for a moisturizing conditioner that's either protein free or as low in protein as possible.

3. Don't use a brush to detangle curly hair.

Using a brush to detangle curly hair will not only cause breakage, but may add to the frizz! If you've conditioned properly with your moisturizing condition, you should be able to detangle with a wide toothed comb.

4. Shampoo your hair no more than twice weekly.

All shampoos are detergent based and going to cause some stripping of natural oils. Choose the mildest, moisturizing curly hair shampoo you can find and only use it twice a week.

5. Let your curly hair dry naturally.

Avoid the use of heat on your hair as it can further deplete your hair of moisturize and promote excessive frizziness.

6. Experiment with using a leave in moisturizing hair conditioner.
A leave in conditioner can be a good frizz tamer as long as it isn't allowed to build up and cause your hair to appear dull. Experiment to see what works with your particular hair texture.

7.Find a stylist who understands how to cut and care for curly hair.

Start by asking people you see behind cosmetic counters and working at clothing boutiques who have attractively styled curly hair for a recommendation. Keep looking until you find someone who seems to understand the unique problems of curly hair. This can make a huge difference in the way your hair istreated!

8. Avoid rubbing your hair with a towel to dry it.

The best method for removing moisture from curly hair is to blot it with a dry towel. No vigorous movements!

9. Get a good haircut.

Once you find the right hair stylist, let her help you choose a haircut that will take advantage of your natural wave. You may want to consider a layered cut since layering can make curly hair easier to manage.

10. Learn to appreciate your curls!

Curly hair is a gift! Ask any straight haired person. Don't be afraid to show off your curls with a great haircut and hair accessories.

Now that you know how to choose a curly hair shampoo and give your curly hair the proper treatment it needs to look gorgeous, it's time to go show off all that beautiful hair!